Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bradley Pitts

Bradley Pitts
For the moment the New Yorker Bradley Pitts (1978) tops everything in the field. In this year's Open Studios, Pitts (who also has two degrees in 'aerospace engineering') presents a work that concerns his research into weightlessness in everyday life. These are projects that not only have a great technical complexity but also possess a practical, humane character: scientific and absurd at the same time; Yves Klein with befitting mathematics.
Apart from this Pitts is also investigating the implosion of perception, literally the 'black holes' in our gaze. He is working on two and three dimensional constructions of the blind spots in his visual field, caused by the exact spot where the optic nerve connects to the eyeball. He also concerns himself with technical projects that are hard to put into practice, like the creation of a self-reflecting elliptic "eye catcher" in which each eye can only see the other.

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