Friday, June 22, 2007

Wayne Quilliam: To War and Back" 2007-06-19 until 2007-07-10 Gallery 15 - PeakEvents, Art for a Cause Melbourne, , AU Australia
Internationally recognised photographer, Wayne Quilliam, brings this latest collection to Gallery 15 in June 2007 as a precursor to his major exhibition coming in August. All works exhibited will be available for purchase, with proceeds going towards the set up of a foundation to support the development of Aboriginal communities across Australia. "To find ‘Ying’ you must accept ‘Yang’ and for tens of thousands of years the most dynamic cultures on earth have felt the consequences of war, famine, drought, plague, invasion and destruction. The people of Vietnam, Japan and Aboriginal Australia have all faced these challenges and yet they have each cultivated a sense of inclusion that is remarkably unique and individual – an experience that transcends words," comments Quilliam. Wayne has been a Premiere Portfolio Artist at since 2001.
Wayne Quilliam continues, "As an Aboriginal photographer I have been fortunate to spend a great deal of time in rural, remote and urban Australia amongst my people in many different circumstances and each time I enter one of these communities I feel a sense of true belonging. My work has also allowed me to travel throughout the world and experience many different cultures but I find so many similarities with the people of Japan and Vietnam, in each of these countries my wife and I were treated like family. This exhibition is a celebration of these three cultures and their willingness to forgive and grow."

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